
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Break out your tux!

Dear friends and fellow "Dancers",

Here's an update on what's happening with our movie "Dancing on the Edge". First, "Dancing..." has been selected for competition in the New York City International Film Festival August 18-26th in Times Square in Manhattan. So far, Tom Zalutko, Alisa Rakoz, Nicole McCullough, Emily Abramson, Victoria and I and my daughter Beth will be there to walk the red carpet and see our film screened in the Tribecca 2 Theater at 6pm Friday, 19 August. But for the rest of you, don't feel left out.
We've also been selected as a headline participant in the Columbia Gorge International Film Festival that will take place right here in Vancouver August 10-14th. "Dancing on the Edge" has been given the premiere spot of the day, 6:30pm Thursday 11 August at the newly restored "Kiggins" theater in downtown Vancouver. This will be our World Premiere and will feature formal red carpet entrance for Investors, Producers, cast & crew only prior to general admission.  This will be a major media event with photo sessions with the press and state and local dignitaries. If you are going to walk the red carpet men will need a tux and ladies a formal. NO EXCEPTIONS! This will be followed by a gala party that will be open to minors at a local hotel (TBD). Please RSVP if you plan to attend either of these functions, the World Premiere or the Party so we may plan the logistics of these events. I will find out from the festival organizers if the cast and crew will have comp tickets or not. That's out of my control. The party will be free to Investors, Producers, cast & crew. Others will be admitted for a suggested donation to help defray the cost. Let me know how many friends and family plan to attend the party so we can have enough grub.
There will be a cast and crew screening/ sneak preview, free to all, at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, across the parking lot from "Priority Place", on Wednesday August 3rd at 7pm. At that time, I will let you know our strategy for future marketing plans for "Dancing..." and how we need your help to get the word out! There will be refreshments! This will be a great pep rally for "Dancing..." I expect all cast to attend these events as you are so critical to our public relations efforts. We need every seat in the Kiggins filled with enthusiastic fans. So we need all hands to get on your social network sites and get everyone you know to come out on the 11th. If we can get the BUZZ going here it will carry to New York and Buzz is critical to not only winning awards but landing a distribution deal!
Well, that's all for now. More details as the evolve. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call.
More fun to come,

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